Because preparedness is the key to survival in major disasters, SM City Grand Central actively participated in the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill.
Staged at exactly 9 a.m., the drill aims to illustrate various crisis scenarios of a 7.2-magnitude earthquake while driving up awareness on the proper emergency response before, during, and after an earthquake happens.
Tenants and employees participated in the simulation as soon as the strong wailing siren signaled everyone to “duck, cover, and hold”.
Evacuation and rescue drill simulations were also staged to increase and strengthen the mall’s Emergency Response Group (ERG) preparedness and coordination among tasked units. This includes carrying out first aid procedures to challenging mock-up situations, such as severely injured victims and traumatized customers.
On top of the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill, SM City Grand Central is also conducting emergency and disaster preparedness drills as well as webinar series on Business Continuity Management System. These activities aim to localized preparedness and instill awareness on the proper emergency response before, during, and after these hazards happen.