NBA Finals Game 5 – Warriors 1 game away from back-to-back NBA Championship
Oracle Arena, Oakland – Game 5. The Golden State Warriors will attempt to seal the series while the Cleveland Cavaliers will try to stay alive as the game starts at 9pm. Warriors lead the series 3-1 after a crucial win over the Cavs’ homecourt last Friday. No team in NBA Finals history was able to recovery from a 3-1 deficit.
NBA Finals Game 5: Green less warriors
The Cavs may be able to capitalize from Draymond Green’s absence today after being suspended for a series of flagrant foul in the Finals series.
9:03 National Anthem
9:06 Line-up introduction for both teams.
9:12 Warriors got 1st ball but miscomm led to turnover. Steal on the Cavs possession and easy 2 points for warriors. Kyrie Irving responded with the 1st 3-point of the game.
9:16 GSW – 9 CLE – 3. Cavs committing turnovers. Tight defense coming from Barnes, Bogut and Iguodala. Ball movement from warriors on easy 2 points. Time out Cavs.
9:24 GSW – 17 CLE – 11. Steph Curry back to back 3 points . James also made a 3 – point shot. Drive of Iguodala off to Irving, foul. Iguodala made both free throws.
9:32 GSW – 25 CLE – 22 Close game. James connected another 3 points to close the gap. Iguodala missed 3 point attempt. Turn over when Love losses the ball on Curry’s defense. Barbosa connected a 3 from the side. The 5th 3 points for the team. Steve Kerr calls for timeout.
9:46 GSW – 32 CLE – 29 End of 1st quarter. James split his free throw before a 3 2nd chance shot for Cavs. Cavs outboxing Warriors underneath the basket. Last 25 seconds when Livingston stood still and chewing the clock before a fake pass and then a fade away shot, connected. James made the last shot 3 sec to go.
10:05 GSW – 49 CLE – 48 Cavs started hot with back to back points. Irving continue to drive and then made a fade away shot. Rebounding dominated by Cavs for 2nd chance points. Close game . Both teams able to connect shot. Klay Thompson hot hands on the 3 point area and even at farther distance. Curry looses a ball to James and on the 2nd drive. Cavs ball. Steve Kerr calls for a time out.
10:12 GSW – 50 CLE – 54 Close scoring ballgame. Varejao split again his free throw to tie the game at 50. James connected again for a fade away on the side, but on the next ball possesion commited a backing violation from a long inbound pass. James steels the ball from Thompson and pass it to Love who connected to give Cavs a 4-point lead. Another time out from coach Kerr.
10:18 GSW – 61 CLE – 58 Klay Thompson fires another three and connects. 26 points now for Klay. Barnes connected another 3 from the side. James continues to drive and gets the points. Curry fires another 3 and got it. Time out Cavs.
10:23 Tied at 61 . Halftime. James misses a 3 point attempt , 9 sec left remaining on Cavs possession.
10:44 GSW – 64 CLE – 67. Steph Curry connected from 3 and James also made his 3rd 3 pointer for the night. Curry missed his second chance of 3. Rebound collision with James and Bogut and Bogut still lying on the floor in pain holding on to his left knee.
10:50 GSW – 66 CLE -69. Steph misses another 3. Iguodala able to save the ball. Irving connected on a drive. Fast break drive of Iguodala blocked by James from behind.
11:00 GSW – 77 CLE – 85. Curry’s quick pass to Thompson was intercepted. James on a drive and fished a foul. Missed his 2nd free throw. Irving connected from 3-point area earlier.
11:12 GSW – 84 CLE – 93 2nd chance point misses by Warriors. James drives and connects. Curry was able to do a quick 2 points but missed a three point attempt as it fell short due to a block by Smith. James tried to drive the last remaining seconds of the quarter but was blocked.
End of 3rd quarter.
11:18 GSW – 87 CLE – 95 Kyrie Irving continues to challenge the defense of Steph Curry and connects a drive. Curry missed a 3-point attempt. Fumble on the ball forces Irving to call for a time out.
11:28 GSW -92 CLE 101 – James and Irving continues to drive.. Warriors having a hard time penetrating the paint. Curry and Thompson having cold hands. Rebound from Warriors and fast break to Iguodala and no-look pass to Livingston but lost the ball. Irving drives and gets and foul.
11:54 Final Score : CLE – 112 GSW – 97. Warriors lost due to poor shot percentage down the stretch of the final 4 mins of the quarter. Force to the outside shooting but failures coming from Curry , Thompson, Igoudala and Barnes. Inside defense of Cavs always push a turn over for Warriors.
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