Getting out of debt means saving more to pay them off slowly but surely; if not, instantly. Check the list below and note these simple strategies you can make not only to help you get out of debt but easily reclaim a debt-free life and start building wealth.
1. Use shopping coupons
There are lots of coupons being offered online that you can use when doing your shopping. Believe it or not, these amazing coupons can help you save plenty of money.
2. Collect rewards and cashbacks
When shopping, there are plenty of stores offering rewards either in a form of cashback, gift cards/ vouchers, or cash rewards for the accumulated points you’ve earned while buying their merchandise. You can usually present them at the counter and have them deducted on your current total bill or on your next shopping journey.
3. Plan your grocery trips

Admit it or not, there are items in your pantry that are not necessary or just idly being stored for a long time. Make sure to buy only the things you’ll be needing soon in preparing meals for your family. This way, you’ll not waste your money on goods getting expired before being consumed.
4. Practice meal planning
Aside from the unnecessary items in your pantry, you also need to plan your meal for a week or two to cook only what your family wants to eat which would help balance not only your budget but the household’s diet.
5. Bulk buying
Shops offer a different price tag when you buy in bulk and not in retail. Just make sure you’ll check how much money you can save from the wholesale offer.
6. Stop eat-outs
Home-cooked meals are much cheaper compared to meals purchased outside . Refrain from dining out and invest more time in cooking your own meals.
7. Prepare simple meals
As John McDonough says, “deprive yourself of nothing necessary for your comfort but live in an honorable simplicity and frugality”. Simple meals will not only save you time in preparing meals for your family, but would also help in saving more money from plenty and expensive ingredients.
8. Forget about your barista
Spending money for a cup of coffee can eat up your wallet fast, so start breaking up with your barista and learn how to brew your own latte or espresso at home.
9. Grab factory overruns
Overrun clothes and other items usually cost 70% to 50% off from the original selling price. This doesn’t mean they are defective or substandard, they just didn’t pass quality control due to minor scratches or slight dents, etc. that are generally negligible. If they can still be useful and presentable, grab them!
10. Split up with your cable provider
Settle with local channels showing free movies and TV series instead of getting an expensive subscription. If you can’t live without it, look for a cable provider that charges the least monthly subscription rates or avail the lowest package instead.
11. Get off your expensive hobbies
Hobbies like horseback riding, car racing, golf, and other hobbies as such costs a lot. Start rethinking of the monthly club membership dues you need to pay. Are they necessary?
12. Drop out from the gym
Working out to achieve your health goals should never be expensive. In fact, there are lots of YouTube videos you can watch. Start dropping your gym membership and do your daily workout for free.
13. Freeze from shopping and unnecessary spending
Declare a general hold or freeze everyone in the household from shopping and spending for unnecessary stuff at home. If you want to get out of debt, avoid impulsive buying. Always make sure to think it over before buying anything: do you need it or just want it?
Great tips! I plan our meals weekly and we get rewards and cashback in our cards.
These are good advice especially eating ou. We save a lot of money avoiding it!
Run away from impulse buying and shopping without a budget. This does a great deal
I follow a few of these tips already, my biggest goal is to be completely out of debt soon. We are so close!
I love all your tips, preparing simple meals and buying bulks is something that I’m working on.
I don’t have debts but I enjoyed reading this article. I love being reminded to live simple.
Eating out adds up quickly, so eating at home will save big bucks. The last time I went out to eat it was $90 for my family.
Bulk buying is a great tip. So is not ordering out and skipping the coffee shop. I love all of these tips but those are my favorites. I stopped going to Starbucks after I really looked at how much I was spending. It was insane!
These are great tips. There are all kinds of small changes you can make in your life to help get out of debt.